
帮助中心 广告联系


热门关键词: www.ymwears.cn  www.fsymc.cn  www.hesaids.com  as  www.bzkjic.com


来源: 作者:admin 人气: 发布时间:2024-01-12

说说心情:够简单、够方便、够好记、够好玩,够霸气。三个英文单词组成一个霸气短句!以下是3个英文单词的霸气短句1. Looks that way. 貌似是那样。2. Don't fail me. 别让我失望。3. Break a leg! 好运!4. Better than good.好的不能再好了。5. Ready to serve. 准备就绪/随时候命。6. Go for it. 去吧。7. Keep me updated.一有消息就通知我。


1. Looks that way. 貌似是那样。

2. Don't fail me. 别让我失望。

3. Break a leg! 好运!

4. Better than good.好的不能再好了。

5. Ready to serve. 准备就绪/随时候命。

6. Go for it. 去吧。

7. Keep me updated.一有消息就通知我。

8. Just in case. 以防万一嘛。

9. Ready to order? 准备好点餐了吗?

10. Question for you. 问你个问题。

11. I got it. 我懂了。

12. Not a chance. 门都没有!

13. Are we cool? 我们没事儿了吧。

14. You tell me. 你说呢?

15. You're telling me! 还用你说啊!

16. Are you sure? 你确定?

17. Count me in! 算我一份!

18. Be my guest. 请便:我请客。

19. Just do it. 去做就是了。

20. Be right back. 马上回来。

21. That explains it. 这就解释得通了。

22. What's your sign? 你是什么星座?

23. Take a bite. 尝尝看!

24. First things first.事有轻重缓急。

25. Are you serious? 你是说真的?

26. Let me explain. 听我解释。

27. Are you coming? 你到底来不来?

28. I'll be there. 我会去。

29. No hard feelings! 别见怪!

30. No offense taken. 我不介意。


Just forge ahead.(全力奋斗)

I loved u(某经典台词,我曾爱过你)

Never give up(永不言弃)

Let it go(噗~)

you're my lifesaver.(我的救世主)

Keep head held high(死守我的骄傲)

Dream of the late已逝梦

Singing in the clouds云端唱歌

dream sound(梦幻音)

iceandsnow love (冰雪恋)

patron of the moon (月守护)

Miraculous garden(奇迹花园)

Lunatic Devil(月色恶魔)

Is the friend or the spouse? 朋友

Likes you exceeding me 胜我自

If I found the export, I could lead you to walk together


In love world, we are the fools 情世界我都傻瓜

A person, a city, the life is grieved 座城痛

Every bullet has its billet <谚>每颗弹都归宿(意指战场弹与否全所谓命)

Every cloud has a silver lining <谚>黑暗縂线光明

every nook and corner 每角落

give one's heart to sb. 某

make the worst of ……持悲观看

mean all the world to sb. 某说重要事

pass into silence 湮没声息

take it or leave it 要麽接受要麽放弃容讨价价


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